Tuesday, June 18, 2013

2013 Fall Class schedule

Chelsea Chinese Tutoring

2013 Fall Semester (Sundays):

14 weeks, 9/8 – 12/ 22 (no class on 10/13 &12/1)

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4(Adults)

Tuition: $560/Students ($40/90min * 14weeks)   Materials: $20 for books

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day, useful word and sentence to mom in Chinese

亲节(mǔ qín jīe)
mother’s day
五月第二个星期日(wǔ yuè dì èr gè xīn qī rì)
The second Sunday in May
康乃馨(kāng nǎi xīn)
(wǒ ài nín)
I love you. 

一切(gǎn xìe yī qìe)
Thanks for everything.  

每天都měi tīan dōu ài nín)
Love you everyday.  

远爱(yǒng yǔan ài nín)
Love you forever.  

您是世界上最棒的妈妈(nín shì shì jìe shàng zuì bàng de mā ma)
You are the best mom in the world.  

妈妈与我相伴(mā ma de ài yǒng yuàn yǔ wǒ mēn xīang bàn)
Mom's love will stay with us forever. 

您是最妈妈(nín shì zuì měi lì de mā ma)
You’re the most beautiful person.  

您是最好的  (nín shì zuì hǎo de, wǒ mēn shēn ài nín)
You’re the very best, and you’re loved so very much!

祝您有一和最棒的母亲节(zhù nín yǒu yī gè zuì kuài lè hé zuì bàng de mǔ qín jīe)
I’m wishing you the happiest and best of Mother’s Days!

谢谢无刻給全家的(xìe xie nín wú shí wú kè gěi qúan jīa de ài)
Thanks for always filling our home with love. 

您的无价(nín de ài shì wú jìe de)
Your love is priceless.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

How to greet in Chinese New Year

How to say Greetings of the Chinese New Year

蛇年 the year of snake

祝您/你蛇年••• wish you in the year of snake ....

新年快乐(xīn nián kuài lè) Happy New Year!

过年好 (guò nián hǎo) Happy New Year!

新年进步 (xīn nián jìn bù) New Year's progress (this is appropriate when greeting anyone, elder, younger or of any relationship.)

恭喜發財 (gōng xǐ fā cái) Happy and prosperous (always use this as the phrase when receiving gifts or lucky money during Chinese New Year)

To students, to wish them improvements in their studies

学业有成 (xué yè yǒu chéng) Have success at school

学习进步 (xué xí jìn bù) Progress in studies

金榜题名 (jīn bǎng tí míng) succeed in the examination (reserved for those taking an important examination, including students.)

Greeting Sayings at Work and for Business

生意兴隆 (shēng yì xīng lóng) Prosperous business

万事如意 (wàn shì rú yì) Good luck in every thing

工作顺利 (gōng zuò shùn lì) Everything goes well with your work

事业有成 (shì yè yǒu chéng) Succeed in your career

平步青云 (píng bù qīng yún) Have a meteoric rise (usually to wish for promotions)

马到成功 (mǎ dào chéng gōng) Success immediately upon arrival (usually to express a wish to succeed in doing something, such as taking part in an examination, a presentation, a negotiation, or a competition)