Sunday, February 5, 2012

Learn Chinese with Chelsea: Happy Lantern Festival (yuán xiāo jié kuài lè)

元宵节快乐yuán xiāo jié kuài lè
元宵节快乐yuán xiāo jié kuài lè
Happy Lantern Festival
Yīn lì zhēnɡ yuè shí wǔ shì yuán xiāo jiā jié
The 15th of the first month in the lunar calendar is the Lantern Festival.
Rén men tōnɡ chánɡ huì zài yuán xiāo jié chī yuán xiāo
People usually eat rice glue balls on Lantern festival.
Yīn wèi yuán xiāo xiànɡ zhēnɡ zhe quán jiā tuán yuán

Because it is a symbol of family reunion

Learn Chinese with Chelsea, two slangs a week

Learn Chinese, two slangs a week
1. 打破沙锅问到底
Insist on getting to the bottom of the matter.
【发音】dǎ pò shā guō wèn dào dǐ
            In Chinese, inquiring shares the same pronunciation with “crack” which is in pottery or jade. The phrase indicates one’s perseverance on questioning and finding out the truth.
           The interviewer asked some very searching questions but the government spokesman didn't drop his guard for a second.
           Xiao Ming always asks why and he'll never be satisfied until he knows everything.
2. 顶呱呱
【发音】dǐng guā guā
            The quality of goods or performance is excellent or extremely good.
           She is second to none among all the graduates.
           The quality of this sweater is excellent!